Erion Energy.
Italian excellence,
international vision.
Erion Energy is part of the National Batteries and Accumulators Coordination Centre (CDCNPA), the national body set up to optimise the collection and management of batteries in Italy. Among the tasks of the CDCNPA are: organise the WB collection network; ensure the reporting of data on the national streams; allocate the financing of activities among the various collective systems.
Erion Energy is a member of Eucobat, the European association that comprises twenty collective systems for the management and recycling of Waste Batteries. Eucobat’s main activities include the gathering, cataloguing, exchanging and comparing information shared by members to promote the efficient functioning of WB Producer Responsibility Organisations.
Erion is proud member of PRONEXA – the leading Extended Producer Responsibility Network in Europe. PRONEXA is an alliance of the market-leading PROs of Europe with its central office based in Munich to offer producers a central point of contact for European Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) and take care of EU-wide registration, take back and centralised reporting for WEEE, BATTery & PACKaging. It is the next level of the weee EUROPE joint venture founded in 2014.
Find out how to become a member of the most important Italian Extended Producer Responsibility system for the management of WEEE, Batteries, Packaging, Tobacco and Textile Products. A single service for every need.
Erion Energy – Non-profit Producer Responsibility Organisation for the management of Waste Batteries – Via A. Scarsellini, 14 – 20161 Milan
VAT/Tax Code/ Milan Registry of Businesses 11277910961